Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Power Of The Va Jay Jay

It’s the most evilest thing know to man kind.

It breaks up homes.

It manipulates, controls, and paralyzes the brains of many men.

It can steal, leave you broke, make you cry and even kill you!

It’s the power of theVa Jay Jay!

Yes the Vagina!


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Cheating Men/Cheating Woman

Women and Men are very different in many different ways.

Even though the female “species” originated from a mans rib according to the Bible,
we still seem to have almost nothing in common.

The one thing that would piss off both a man and a woman in a relationship is being cheated on.

But yet for different reasons.

When A Man Cheats:

See when a man cheats........


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lazy Girl

My teacher in high school once told me that there’s nothing worse then a lazy men.

The one thing worse then a lazy woman,Is a stay at home
Sleeps all day

I hate, NO, you know what, I despise a lazy woman.
Now before you start to think I’m some woman abuser, manipulator / Ike Turner, Chris Brown, caveman living in the 50’s,

IM NOT!....Continued on

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Adam & Steve

I usually try to start off a blog with a catchy hook and an interesting quick story.

This time I'm going to start off by saying this. I'M NOT GAY! NOT ONE BIT! NOT AT ALL...not showing any disrespect to any who are but I will just set the record straight before people do what they do best and start rumors.

This topic was brought to me by a friend. She wanted me to express my views on homosexuality and how the majority of people are close minded to the thought of gay couples and gay marriage.

My friend is a lesbian women who "came out" as they call it a couple years out of high school.

During high school while I knew her she was very much into men. To the point were I even thought she was a little loose. So for her to come out and say that she was a lesbian really caught me off guard.

Having a serious talk with her after she came out made me realize why she was this way.

She told me that from her younger years she always felt like she should be with a woman, but since she was so deep into religion and God she felt that it was wrong what she was feeling. So she tried so hard to fight it messing with numerous guys thinking that if she found the right guy that he could maybe, just maybe take her mind of being gay.

Well this denial went on for years and no matter what guy she talked to, no matter how nice, or no matter how good the sex, she still just did not feel men in that way.

After her last and final relationship with a guy that went on for a couple years, she finally came out and said enough is enough, im going to do me. Now she's been happy ever since.

I've heard comments about how homosexuality is a choice, that thier disgusting, that there all going to hell, from strangers and people who I know and love.

Think about it though, do you think if a person had a choice to be gay that they would choose too? Would that really make sense?

Thats like living in slave days and you had a choice to be black or white. Which one would you choose. The black person, so you could get beat, whipped and worked to death. Or the white person so you could live freely have all your rights and have people work for you.

I damn sure know I would be whiter then ever.

So why would someone chose to be gay and put themself through what gay's and homosexuals go through.

I honestly feel that homosexuality is something that your born with. It's not only a feeling, it's a proven fact.

Researchers prove that homosexual humans have different type of brain cells in then a heterosexual.

One night I was watching a documentary on 20/20 about a little boy, I think he was three years old who wanted to play with barbies and wear a bikini, have long hair and play with girls.

Now at three years old were do you learn this behavior? Surely not on Barney, I don't think Sesame Street promotes gay lifestyle either. His parents were both heterosexuals and they didn't understand it either, but it was a whole different ball game when their three year old son wished he was born a girl.

Coming from a Jamaican household and living in Jamaica for the first couple years of my life, I too was very judgmental and bias towards the homosexual behavior. In places like Jamaica and many other cities in the U.S. Gay's are bashed, harassed and ridiculed. ESPECIALLY IN JAMAICA!

I chose to look outside the box though, I chose to open my mind and try to find a reason for the behavior. Yes, I use to be like some of you and just judge without knowing. But one day, just one day, if your as comfortable with your sexuality as I am. Stop and ask a gay person, in the most respectful way, and say Hey, can i ask you a question. And see their response.

You will never know a person until you talk to them. Gay, straight, black, white, tall, small.

So think about what I said. Think about the challenges and dilemmas that gays have to go through.

Their basically fighting the same fight that blacks fought during the civil rights movement. Now were turning around and doing the same to another group of people. Does that seem right?

But Hey, Maybe It's Just Me.


Mike 3G!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


The "N" word!

A word that's haunted the African American race for hundreds maybe even thousands of years.

But really? What does Nigga stand for?

Well to me, Mr. Mike 3G himself. A Nigga! has nothing to do with the color of your skin. It has nothing to do with were your from, how you dress, or who you hang out with.

A Nigga!, all depends on the way you act.

See you can be Asian and be a Nigga, you can be white, Hispanic, black, European, Indian, girl, boy, cat, dog it really doesn't matter. All that matters is the way you carry yourself.

Let me explain to you what I consider a Nigga.

If your boyfriend gets you upset and you cause a major scene in public, saying things like.."Fuck you pussy hoe!," "Yo small as dick!" "Bitch Nigga!" "Im'a get my brothers to fuck you up!"....Uuummm..Yea..Your A Nigga!

If you and your "goons" see someone you don't like and you constantly call them out to fight like..."Lets do this shit nigga, I'm right here," "I'll shoot yo pussy ass," "I'm bout dat shit.""I go hard for mine!"......... Yea...that a nigga to.

If you feel like the world owes you something and every-time you get pulled over by the police you fell you've been racially profiled even though you were speeding, smoking, and your tail light was busted.......Ahhhhh...Yep! Your A Nigga!

That's right...


Now i hate to use that world so often and in such content. I also hate to make it seem like I'm bringing down my race. But i have to call it out for what it is.

It's embarrassing!

Too many times Ive been down at the MARTA station shaking my head in embarrassment just watching these people act the way they do.

I feel bad like I know them. Then I look and i see white people shaking their heads, I cant do nothing but shake my head along with them.

Too all my people who act like this. I just have one thing to ask............WHY?

Why embarrass yourself?

Why put that kind of attention on yourself?

Why put a shame to our race, your culture, and your family?

Just ask yourself one thing,? If my parents were here would I be acting this way?

If that's a yes, then you and your family are NIGGAS!

But hey! Maybe Its Just Me!
Mike 3G.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Love Vs. Money

Love Vs. Money,

Why do people always compare the two?

Well, because in reality you really cant have them both.

Kanye said it best. "I Don't know whats better, getting paid or getting laid. I just know when I'm getting one the others getting away."

This is so true. It's such a complicated situation, because being without money leaves you unconfident, unappealing, not to mention broke. Which kind of makes you unattractive to the other sex.

Having money and being established usually makes you attractive to the opposite sex, but then it probably also means that your always busy, your focused on whatever brings you income, and you might not have all the time to spend with that significant other.

Usually men are on the end of the stick were they have to choose Love over Money. Why?
Theres only one answer for that. Women!

See women always talk about how they want a successful man, a man with goals and a job, a man with aspirations and dreams, and a man who's not lazy. Then when they find this man they fall in love with him because of his ambition, but then they want to complain when he cant spend the time with you that you want.

Then when women do find a man who's home all the time, and is all under you, and has all the time in the world for you, you complain! That's when you wanna tell him to do something with yourself, get out the house, You always up under me!

That's confusing as shit!

And I already know what women are going to say..."We don't want a guy to be too busy and too lazy, we want something in between." Ladies..Yall always want something in between!....(I meant that in the most unsexual way)

Honestly, for everyone. If your looking for someone with goals and drive in life, your probably not gone have that time with that person that you want.

I guess what I'm trying to say is..Love is something you cant live without. You may try but everyone who's been single for a while knows it's hard to be alone. And money, money is one of those things that you cant live without either. Yea people say that money isn't everything and true happiness is found without money. Which is true, but anyone who's ever been broke or in the struggle knows that having money is a major issue.

So take a minute...and ask yourself. Love or Money?

Because unless you inherited money, or hit the lotto, or sewed Microsoft or something, being successful will always be something that takes a lot of effort and time.

Mike 3G,

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Kid In Me

Seeing snow yesterday really brought out a side of me that I kind of forgot about.

The kid in me.

Too many times in life people forget about the things that really make them happy. We get so caught up in our future that we forget to enjoy the moments we have now.

Yesterday I was awoke by my roommate Cameron in excitement letting me know that it was snowing outside.

I was so excited that i went outside, crust in my eye, in shorts, a t-shirt and my roommates shoes half on my feet just to see.

After "some" of my excitement went down I looked at what I had on and thought to myself.."It's cold as hell out here!"

After changing my clothes i came back outside to throw snowballs, catch snow flakes on my tongue, run relays with my friends and just have fun!

When we came back inside I realized that I really had a lot of fun out there.

There were no girls in tight skirts, there was no money involved, no liquor, no music, no club.

Just me and my friends acting like we were 9 years old.

Growing up we think getting older is so cool. We see the freedom that adults have, the money, and the "life."

But as kids we forget to see what we have, or had.

Think about it, all we had to do was homework, eat, shit, play and sleep! We had no bills to worry about, no exams, work or boyfriend, girlfriend problems. Well maybe some of you did.

The point I'm trying to make is that with all the stress that life brings. School, tuition, bills, relationships, business, and just overall drama, its good to just stop, take a deep breath and just enjoy life.

I want everyone to stop what there doing right now, and just remember what it was like to be a kid.

And the next time you get a chance, take advantage and be a kid! Be carefree, forget about all your problems, all of your stress and just enjoy.

Then let me know how you feel.

Mike 3G,

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Sex Game!


Ah man! Do I love it! Its a great thing. Especially when its with someone your attracted to.

It could be a one night stand, a shared moment between lovers, or even just a quick fix. Whatever it may be it's great!

For girls it a lot easier to come by. In reality at a snap of a finger then can have someone between their legs stroking it like a canvas.

For guys, not so easy. We have to wine and dine, we have to put on our best, we have to be suave and smooth, we have to be sweet and sincere, we have to drop money.....

Or do we really...

No we don't! Talking to a friend of a friend the other night opened my eyes to the fact that women are easier to receive then they may seem.

She expressed to me that as shy as a girl may seem, as stuck up as a girl may seem, as goodie of a girl as she may seem, she will most likely give you some play if...

1. She's slightly attracted to you
2. You have her alone.

See the whole key is to have the confidence and the swagger to say.."Hey, I'm coming over unlock the door." When women see you do this they look at you in whole different light.

Women want a man who can take control, be a man. If your that confident that you can just take off a girls pants and start doing your thing, you'll be surprised how much more you can do.

The girl will be so turned on by your manliness, your aggressiveness, your confidence that she'll be doing having sex with you and she'll be so caught off guard that in her head she'll be saying.."Am I really fucking this guy? I don't know but its sexy as hell!"

Now I don't mean be aggressive like committing rape. I'm not encouraging any Ike Turners or Chris Brown's. Because I'm not bailing anyone out of jail. I'm just encouraging guys to stop being punks and start being a little more confident in their approach to girls.


Mike 3G

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Justified Cheat

Cheating is bad!

Is it really though?

Don’t get me wrong now and mistake me for a so call DOG! (Rough)

I think cheating is a bad thing, unless were talking about test and midterms.

But being cheated on is a horrible feeling, you feel violated, disrespected, like you actually consider murder seriously for the first time.

I mean everyone considers killing someone at one point, but when you’ve been cheated on you actually think of ways to kill the other person and get away with it.

Like “If I wear gloves and be very careful they’ll never no it’s me.
But is cheating ever a justified thing?

Well…..That’s been the argument on the tip of tongues for a while now.

Personally I’m stuck between yes and no.

More towards yes because…well, cheating can be justified for many reasons.

Say you and you’ve been cheated on before by a past lover or even the one your with, that can put a permanent scar on your heart that’s hard to bounce back from, and now that your giving relationships another shot you kind of tell yourself you’re not going to get hurt like the last time, so you keep side pieces as I like to call them to insure your heart from being broken to badly again.

As insecure as it may seem, it’s what goes on in our minds as we bounce back from being cheated on.

See relationships can be compared to owning a car and having insurance. When you buy a car you’re not planning on crashing, but you never know what’s going to happen so you buy it anyway.

In a relationship you don’t plan on your significant other to leave you or cheat, but if they do you don’t want to be left out in the cold with no one else to run to or talk to. So you keep insurance (Side girls/boys) around just in case. That way when something does go down, you have someone there to keep you company.

And guys if you do this don’t feel bad, girls have side pieces weather they know it or not. You know how girls always talk about…”Oh, he’s just my friend, he’s like a brother to me.”………BULLSHIT! The week after yall break up her and her “Brother” gone be hugged up and dating.

Now being in a relationship is a lovely thing, don’t let me fool you into thinking it’s just cheating, games and schemes. All I’m telling you is to be careful, never put your all into any one person, because when your all is given and then your all is broken by someone, it’s hard to bounce back from.

So love, be loved, and be careful.
Love with caution..
Mike 3G!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fucking Another Lover!

Sometimes losing someone you love ain't even the worst part.

The worst part is picturing them with someone else.

As selfish as it sounds, seeing someone you use to be with, hugged up, laughing, enjoying the company of someone else is the worst felling in the world! Especially when that person broke up with you.

It make you not want to go anywhere in fear of seeing them with someone else. It makes you not want to answer the phone in fear of your friends telling you they saw them somewhere with someone else.

Kinda just makes you want to move to another state or something.

There should be some kind of agreement between lovers.

You should sit down with your lover right now and say, "Hey Lover, when we break up one of us should move out of the area or something."

It's a tough situation. Everyone knows how it feels to hold on to a relationship just because you didn't want to let that person go to another.

As childish and selfish and whatever else you want to call it, as it may be, It's just reality.

It's just the way humans feel towards things they feel they own.

For example, if you had a car and it ended up being repoed because you couldn't make the payments and then one day you see someone else driving it on the street.

You would feel hurt!

Its like Damn! That was my car! And that person is just driving in it all happy, in my car!

Why do we feel this way?

Even if you so happened to move on and found another lover, we still cringe every time we even think about somebody else stroking the hell out of your ex-girl. Or another girl receiving the love from your ex-man.

Something childish inside of you, something devilish just makes you wish that your ex-significant other never finds another.

As fucked up as it may sound, you cant deny that you never felt that way before.

The truth is when your with someone so long you cant picture them being with someone besides you.

But with the many heartaches and heartbreaks that love comes with, maybe its something we as people are just going to have to get use too.

Mike 3G.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I'll Remember

When Im rich I'll remember...

All the little things I use to go through.

Working 16 hours shifts, 5 days a week, from 10 to 2.

When im rich, I'll remember...

Walking, catching buses, taking trains. Especially when Im driving, being driven, or taking planes.

When Im rich, I'll remember...

All the girls who liked the dudes with fly cars and fancy whips. Especially when im pulling girls in my fly cars and fancy whips.

When Im rich, I'll remember..

Waiting for paychecks week after week, when im spending what I use to make in a year in a week.

When Im rich, I'll remember..

The hard times me and my mom went through in the past. When Im rich I can pay off the mortgage, the car, the bills, all in cash.

When Im rich, I'll remember..

The first breakup, the first heart ache, the first love

When Im rich, I'll remember..

The one who made this all possible for me, The One Above!

Mike 3G!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

Losing The Sisters

Is it me..or....

Does it seem like a lot of our beautiful black women are retrieving to white men.

Not to say that I have a problem with black girls dating white men or visa verse. I just feel like the majority of black women who go to the other side do so because they have been played out, stressed, given multiple headaches from the black male species.

This is why we have lost and will continue to lose some of our finest, intelligent women! Because of sorry ass black men.

Now as a black man I take pride in how I treat my women. I hate to hear black women talk about there done with black men because this, that, and the other. Sometimes I wish I could date them all and show them how well a real black man could treat them., but then i guess i would be proving them right about how black guys are all dogs I guess.

My point is, BLACK MEN!!! Lets do better by our women. Lets prove to them that we are not all dogs. Lets lift our black women up not bring them down. Even when they piss us off and nag and get on our last nerve, "which they do" still! turn the other cheek. Be the bigger person. BE A MAN!

Then maybe our black women would praise us, brag about us about more intellectual things as opposed to only the bedroom and laying the "pipe."

So join the movement with me to keep our black women. Because I don't know about you, but i can stand to lose another Halle Berry.

But hey, maybe it's just me.

Mike 3G!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Single Lady Anthems

Is it me...or

Am I the only one who gets sick of Beyonce songs in the club. I can’t stand being hyped up with Gucci Bandanas and white bricks to being stabbed in the back, bamboozled, cut off, by single lady anthems.

Not to put down Beyonce or her music, personally I think she’s beautiful. Just not in the club. What am I suppose to do when “Put a Ring on it” comes on?......

Damn sure not dance! No man can dance to that, at least no real man, matter of fact if you see a man dancing to “Im’a Diva” he probally has on extra tight skinny jeans, earrings, a pink scarf, press permed hair, a purse, belt around his waist, and a…. leotard.

Anyway! Like I was saying, another thing that capital T’s me off about Beyonce songs is that she gets all the mad, player hating, fed up with men, women all wriled up! And to make things worse she has a ring on it! She has everything she asks for in her songs. It’s obvious she doesn’t write her own songs. She probably has a a room full of women, who’ve been cheated on, lied to, punk slapped, pistol whipped by men, all in a small room coming up with men destructing songs.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Beyonce’s next single is “Cut It Off” I can hear the lyrics now. “Cut it off, if he dont stop it, chop it like Laurena Bobbit”

But hey maybe its just me!
Ima Ima Diva,
Mike 3G!

Cat Got Your Tongue!

Is it me.. Or

Am I the only one who hate's when girls can't carry a damn conversation.

Here I am, talking my ass off, trying to hold conversation. And there you are giving me one word answers.

I could understand if you didn't like me, or showed no interest towards me at all. But you gave me "the eye" you gave me "that look" you practically approached me! You gave me your number, told me to call you, and this is how you act! If you didn't like me you shouldn't of came here with me. Now I'm stuck here with Mrs. Mute.

Why do girls do this!? Now I'm uncomfortable, uneasy. And I’m sweating like Michael Jackson and R. Kelly at a daycare center.

Ladies if you do like a guy and he ask you out, do us a favor....TALK! I'm not asking you to pull a truck by your teeth, or spread your butt cheeks. "At least not yet" so try to hold a conversation. Because you don't know how hard and nerve racking it is to hold a conversation with a beautiful girl you just met. So make it easy on me, and all the other men out there.

“I mean I did the grass hoper joke. That usually gets them.

But hay maybe it's just me!

“Say Something!”

Mike 3G

Relationship Overkill

Is it me, or........

Do some couples not know when to give each other a break!
Don’t get me wrong, having a significant other is a beautiful thing but sometimes you just have to know when to give each other some space.
I’ve observed so many couples in my lifetime and I’ve seen many types. But the one couple that really gets to me, that crawls my skin, that gives me that nails on chalkboard feeling is the over smothering, all over each other, can’t give themselves a minute of space, oh baby I miss you, I miss you too even though we just seen other, overzealous couple!

Having a relationship is a complicated manor. Many times people take it as being simple. Oh I’ll just do the basics and everything will be good. But it’s not that easy. Being in a successful relationship takes strategizing, you have to say to yourself, “Self, I spent all day with this person , I think I’m going to give it a rest for the day, so I can give them some time to miss me”, “Or self, I was nice to this person all day so I’m going to do this one asshole thing” I mean I know it sounds a little childish but that’s the way things have to be when you’re in a relationship.
I use kids as my prime example for relationships like these.
Say a kid ask for a PS3 all year, he begs and persuades his parents that he wants a PS3 so bad and he’ll mow the lawn and take out the trash everyday if they get it for him. Then Christmas comes and he gets the PS3 and he’s so excited. He plays with the system all day and all night, every day when he gets home from school, after dinner, after homework, when he wakes up, and even when he’s sleeping! Then there comes the day when little by little the kid starts playing with the PS3 less and less. Till the day comes when the PS3 is in the closet somewhere next to a buzz light-year action figure and a G I Go doll. And you ask yourself if the kid loved the system so much why all of a sudden did he get tired of it so quick. Well this is because he didn’t ration his time properly with the system. He played it so much that he got tired of it.
This brings me back to rationing your time with your significant other. See a relationship is like a cake. I could go ham on the cake and eat it all in a day or two. But then after that I won’t have any cake left. Or I could just take a little piece every other day and savor the moment with the cake. An everyday I have a small piece it’s going to keep me wanting to come back for more. And I will never get tired of this cake and the cake and I will be together for a very long time.
My point is this. Savor your relationship. Give each other time to miss each other. Phrases like “I miss you” should be used after days not minutes. Kissing every second when you’re with each other make your lips chapped. Taking a shower with each other every time kills the excitement of seeing each other naked, and cuddling all the time makes you hot.

But Hey Maybe It’s Just Me!
Savor you time with each other
Mike 3G.

Name That Smell

Is it me, or....
Do air fresheners names really match their smell. For example, ever go to the supermarket and see an air freshener with a scent like "clean breeze?" The name sounds simple enough, but you ever stop and think to yourself, "self, what does clean breeze really smell like?" Well for me I live in the city, and when i step outside my breeze more smells like fast food chicken and bus smoke.You might also find names like after the rain, tropical mist, and sunny laundry.

Now i don't know about you! But after it rains over here in Downtown Atlanta all I smell and feel is wet dirt and a cold ass wind chill.My point is this. I guess I see the direction that these companies are going when they come up with these names for scents. But my point is, give me a scent i can relate too. A scent that i know. Like how about they make a air freshener that smells like Chicken & Waffles. Yea! Or How about something like Fast Food Fries! Hmmm! I can smell it now.

Picture sitting on the toilet, taking a dump, and reaching for a bottle of "Febreez-Fast Food Fries" See scents like that I can be one with.Imagine someone coming in your room and saying "Wow! That smells good. Are you cooking?" Then you reply, "No, thats my scented candle, Pasta Alfredo and Garlic Bread."I mean I dont know about you, but I prefer the smell of Italian food over a fresh mountain any day!

But Hey Maybe It Is Just Me!"HMMMMM...Is that Bacon!?"

Mike 3G