Is it me, or........
Do some couples not know when to give each other a break!
Don’t get me wrong, having a significant other is a beautiful thing but sometimes you just have to know when to give each other some space.
I’ve observed so many couples in my lifetime and I’ve seen many types. But the one couple that really gets to me, that crawls my skin, that gives me that nails on chalkboard feeling is the over smothering, all over each other, can’t give themselves a minute of space, oh baby I miss you, I miss you too even though we just seen other, overzealous couple!
Having a relationship is a complicated manor. Many times people take it as being simple. Oh I’ll just do the basics and everything will be good. But it’s not that easy. Being in a successful relationship takes strategizing, you have to say to yourself, “Self, I spent all day with this person , I think I’m going to give it a rest for the day, so I can give them some time to miss me”, “Or self, I was nice to this person all day so I’m going to do this one asshole thing” I mean I know it sounds a little childish but that’s the way things have to be when you’re in a relationship.
I use kids as my prime example for relationships like these.
I use kids as my prime example for relationships like these.
Say a kid ask for a PS3 all year, he begs and persuades his parents that he wants a PS3 so bad and he’ll mow the lawn and take out the trash everyday if they get it for him. Then Christmas comes and he gets the PS3 and he’s so excited. He plays with the system all day and all night, every day when he gets home from school, after dinner, after homework, when he wakes up, and even when he’s sleeping! Then there comes the day when little by little the kid starts playing with the PS3 less and less. Till the day comes when the PS3 is in the closet somewhere next to a buzz light-year action figure and a G I Go doll. And you ask yourself if the kid loved the system so much why all of a sudden did he get tired of it so quick. Well this is because he didn’t ration his time properly with the system. He played it so much that he got tired of it.
This brings me back to rationing your time with your significant other. See a relationship is like a cake. I could go ham on the cake and eat it all in a day or two. But then after that I won’t have any cake left. Or I could just take a little piece every other day and savor the moment with the cake. An everyday I have a small piece it’s going to keep me wanting to come back for more. And I will never get tired of this cake and the cake and I will be together for a very long time.
My point is this. Savor your relationship. Give each other time to miss each other. Phrases like “I miss you” should be used after days not minutes. Kissing every second when you’re with each other make your lips chapped. Taking a shower with each other every time kills the excitement of seeing each other naked, and cuddling all the time makes you hot.
My point is this. Savor your relationship. Give each other time to miss each other. Phrases like “I miss you” should be used after days not minutes. Kissing every second when you’re with each other make your lips chapped. Taking a shower with each other every time kills the excitement of seeing each other naked, and cuddling all the time makes you hot.
But Hey Maybe It’s Just Me!
Savor you time with each other
Mike 3G.
Savor you time with each other
Mike 3G.
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