I usually try to start off a blog with a catchy hook and an interesting quick story.
This time I'm going to start off by saying this. I'M NOT GAY! NOT ONE BIT! NOT AT ALL...not showing any disrespect to any who are but I will just set the record straight before people do what they do best and start rumors.
This topic was brought to me by a friend. She wanted me to express my views on homosexuality and how the majority of people are close minded to the thought of gay couples and gay marriage.
My friend is a lesbian women who "came out" as they call it a couple years out of high school.
During high school while I knew her she was very much into men. To the point were I even thought she was a little loose. So for her to come out and say that she was a lesbian really caught me off guard.
Having a serious talk with her after she came out made me realize why she was this way.
She told me that from her younger years she always felt like she should be with a woman, but since she was so deep into religion and God she felt that it was wrong what she was feeling. So she tried so hard to fight it messing with numerous guys thinking that if she found the right guy that he could maybe, just maybe take her mind of being gay.
Well this denial went on for years and no matter what guy she talked to, no matter how nice, or no matter how good the sex, she still just did not feel men in that way.
After her last and final relationship with a guy that went on for a couple years, she finally came out and said enough is enough, im going to do me. Now she's been happy ever since.
I've heard comments about how homosexuality is a choice, that thier disgusting, that there all going to hell, from strangers and people who I know and love.
Think about it though, do you think if a person had a choice to be gay that they would choose too? Would that really make sense?
Thats like living in slave days and you had a choice to be black or white. Which one would you choose. The black person, so you could get beat, whipped and worked to death. Or the white person so you could live freely have all your rights and have people work for you.
I damn sure know I would be whiter then ever.
So why would someone chose to be gay and put themself through what gay's and homosexuals go through.
I honestly feel that homosexuality is something that your born with. It's not only a feeling, it's a proven fact.
Researchers prove that homosexual humans have different type of brain cells in then a heterosexual.
One night I was watching a documentary on 20/20 about a little boy, I think he was three years old who wanted to play with barbies and wear a bikini, have long hair and play with girls.
Now at three years old were do you learn this behavior? Surely not on Barney, I don't think Sesame Street promotes gay lifestyle either. His parents were both heterosexuals and they didn't understand it either, but it was a whole different ball game when their three year old son wished he was born a girl.
Coming from a Jamaican household and living in Jamaica for the first couple years of my life, I too was very judgmental and bias towards the homosexual behavior. In places like Jamaica and many other cities in the U.S. Gay's are bashed, harassed and ridiculed. ESPECIALLY IN JAMAICA!
I chose to look outside the box though, I chose to open my mind and try to find a reason for the behavior. Yes, I use to be like some of you and just judge without knowing. But one day, just one day, if your as comfortable with your sexuality as I am. Stop and ask a gay person, in the most respectful way, and say Hey, can i ask you a question. And see their response.
You will never know a person until you talk to them. Gay, straight, black, white, tall, small.
So think about what I said. Think about the challenges and dilemmas that gays have to go through.
Their basically fighting the same fight that blacks fought during the civil rights movement. Now were turning around and doing the same to another group of people. Does that seem right?
But Hey, Maybe It's Just Me.
Mike 3G!