Cheating is bad!
Is it really though?
Don’t get me wrong now and mistake me for a so call DOG! (Rough)
I think cheating is a bad thing, unless were talking about test and midterms.
But being cheated on is a horrible feeling, you feel violated, disrespected, like you actually consider murder seriously for the first time.
I mean everyone considers killing someone at one point, but when you’ve been cheated on you actually think of ways to kill the other person and get away with it.
Like “If I wear gloves and be very careful they’ll never no it’s me.
But is cheating ever a justified thing?
Well…..That’s been the argument on the tip of tongues for a while now.
Personally I’m stuck between yes and no.
More towards yes because…well, cheating can be justified for many reasons.
Say you and you’ve been cheated on before by a past lover or even the one your with, that can put a permanent scar on your heart that’s hard to bounce back from, and now that your giving relationships another shot you kind of tell yourself you’re not going to get hurt like the last time, so you keep side pieces as I like to call them to insure your heart from being broken to badly again.
As insecure as it may seem, it’s what goes on in our minds as we bounce back from being cheated on.
See relationships can be compared to owning a car and having insurance. When you buy a car you’re not planning on crashing, but you never know what’s going to happen so you buy it anyway.
In a relationship you don’t plan on your significant other to leave you or cheat, but if they do you don’t want to be left out in the cold with no one else to run to or talk to. So you keep insurance (Side girls/boys) around just in case. That way when something does go down, you have someone there to keep you company.
And guys if you do this don’t feel bad, girls have side pieces weather they know it or not. You know how girls always talk about…”Oh, he’s just my friend, he’s like a brother to me.”………BULLSHIT! The week after yall break up her and her “Brother” gone be hugged up and dating.
Now being in a relationship is a lovely thing, don’t let me fool you into thinking it’s just cheating, games and schemes. All I’m telling you is to be careful, never put your all into any one person, because when your all is given and then your all is broken by someone, it’s hard to bounce back from.
So love, be loved, and be careful.
Love with caution..
Mike 3G!
im not even qonna front.... everyone do it. who dont have a close friend they can run to when shit fail BUT this is what you DONT do... everytime u & ya boo qet into it ya run to ya "friend" biq no no. your not suppose brinq other ppl in your relationship. thats where u fck up cuz thats how you end up cheatinq & thats not justified for, no no... now qettinq advice & all that qood stuff yeah. but beinq all huqqed up with some otha broad afta we qot into it. hell naww.
ReplyDeletefyi-- cheatinq is mentally, physically & emotionally.
Yeahhh I use to do that he just "friend" junk but I understand what your saying..