Love Vs. Money,
Why do people always compare the two?
Well, because in reality you really cant have them both.
Kanye said it best. "I Don't know whats better, getting paid or getting laid. I just know when I'm getting one the others getting away."
This is so true. It's such a complicated situation, because being without money leaves you unconfident, unappealing, not to mention broke. Which kind of makes you unattractive to the other sex.
Having money and being established usually makes you attractive to the opposite sex, but then it probably also means that your always busy, your focused on whatever brings you income, and you might not have all the time to spend with that significant other.
Usually men are on the end of the stick were they have to choose Love over Money. Why?
Theres only one answer for that. Women!
See women always talk about how they want a successful man, a man with goals and a job, a man with aspirations and dreams, and a man who's not lazy. Then when they find this man they fall in love with him because of his ambition, but then they want to complain when he cant spend the time with you that you want.
Then when women do find a man who's home all the time, and is all under you, and has all the time in the world for you, you complain! That's when you wanna tell him to do something with yourself, get out the house, You always up under me!
That's confusing as shit!
And I already know what women are going to say..."We don't want a guy to be too busy and too lazy, we want something in between." Ladies..Yall always want something in between!....(I meant that in the most unsexual way)..lol.
Honestly, for everyone. If your looking for someone with goals and drive in life, your probably not gone have that time with that person that you want.
I guess what I'm trying to say is..Love is something you cant live without. You may try but everyone who's been single for a while knows it's hard to be alone. And money, money is one of those things that you cant live without either. Yea people say that money isn't everything and true happiness is found without money. Which is true, but anyone who's ever been broke or in the struggle knows that having money is a major issue.
So take a minute...and ask yourself. Love or Money?
Because unless you inherited money, or hit the lotto, or sewed Microsoft or something, being successful will always be something that takes a lot of effort and time.
Mike 3G,
Why do people always compare the two?
Well, because in reality you really cant have them both.
Kanye said it best. "I Don't know whats better, getting paid or getting laid. I just know when I'm getting one the others getting away."
This is so true. It's such a complicated situation, because being without money leaves you unconfident, unappealing, not to mention broke. Which kind of makes you unattractive to the other sex.
Having money and being established usually makes you attractive to the opposite sex, but then it probably also means that your always busy, your focused on whatever brings you income, and you might not have all the time to spend with that significant other.
Usually men are on the end of the stick were they have to choose Love over Money. Why?
Theres only one answer for that. Women!
See women always talk about how they want a successful man, a man with goals and a job, a man with aspirations and dreams, and a man who's not lazy. Then when they find this man they fall in love with him because of his ambition, but then they want to complain when he cant spend the time with you that you want.
Then when women do find a man who's home all the time, and is all under you, and has all the time in the world for you, you complain! That's when you wanna tell him to do something with yourself, get out the house, You always up under me!
That's confusing as shit!
And I already know what women are going to say..."We don't want a guy to be too busy and too lazy, we want something in between." Ladies..Yall always want something in between!....(I meant that in the most unsexual way)..lol.
Honestly, for everyone. If your looking for someone with goals and drive in life, your probably not gone have that time with that person that you want.
I guess what I'm trying to say is..Love is something you cant live without. You may try but everyone who's been single for a while knows it's hard to be alone. And money, money is one of those things that you cant live without either. Yea people say that money isn't everything and true happiness is found without money. Which is true, but anyone who's ever been broke or in the struggle knows that having money is a major issue.
So take a minute...and ask yourself. Love or Money?
Because unless you inherited money, or hit the lotto, or sewed Microsoft or something, being successful will always be something that takes a lot of effort and time.
Mike 3G,
Honestly i'd pick love. I"m a woman and to me someone not having money isn't unattractive to me. I'd rather live poor and happy then to live rich and be lonely most of the time. Yea its good to have a job and stuff but i'm not going to down grade a man if he doesn't, when i'm in a relationship i'm in it for the man and the love he provides he don't have to buy me anything. I'd just be happy with him. I'd rather be the one that had alot of money so I could give them the world and what they would want.