Ah man! Do I love it! Its a great thing. Especially when its with someone your attracted to.
It could be a one night stand, a shared moment between lovers, or even just a quick fix. Whatever it may be it's great!
For girls it a lot easier to come by. In reality at a snap of a finger then can have someone between their legs stroking it like a canvas.
For guys, not so easy. We have to wine and dine, we have to put on our best, we have to be suave and smooth, we have to be sweet and sincere, we have to drop money.....
Or do we really...
No we don't! Talking to a friend of a friend the other night opened my eyes to the fact that women are easier to receive then they may seem.
She expressed to me that as shy as a girl may seem, as stuck up as a girl may seem, as goodie of a girl as she may seem, she will most likely give you some play if...
1. She's slightly attracted to you
2. You have her alone.
See the whole key is to have the confidence and the swagger to say.."Hey, I'm coming over unlock the door." When women see you do this they look at you in whole different light.
Women want a man who can take control, be a man. If your that confident that you can just take off a girls pants and start doing your thing, you'll be surprised how much more you can do.
The girl will be so turned on by your manliness, your aggressiveness, your confidence that she'll be doing having sex with you and she'll be so caught off guard that in her head she'll be saying.."Am I really fucking this guy? I don't know but its sexy as hell!"
Now I don't mean be aggressive like committing rape. I'm not encouraging any Ike Turners or Chris Brown's. Because I'm not bailing anyone out of jail. I'm just encouraging guys to stop being punks and start being a little more confident in their approach to girls.
Mike 3G