The "N" word!
A word that's haunted the African American race for hundreds maybe even thousands of years.
But really? What does Nigga stand for?
Well to me, Mr. Mike 3G himself. A Nigga! has nothing to do with the color of your skin. It has nothing to do with were your from, how you dress, or who you hang out with.
A Nigga!, all depends on the way you act.
See you can be Asian and be a Nigga, you can be white, Hispanic, black, European, Indian, girl, boy, cat, dog it really doesn't matter. All that matters is the way you carry yourself.
Let me explain to you what I consider a Nigga.
If your boyfriend gets you upset and you cause a major scene in public, saying things like.."Fuck you pussy hoe!," "Yo small as dick!" "Bitch Nigga!" "Im'a get my brothers to fuck you up!"....Uuummm..Yea..Your A Nigga!
If you and your "goons" see someone you don't like and you constantly call them out to fight like..."Lets do this shit nigga, I'm right here," "I'll shoot yo pussy ass," "I'm bout dat shit.""I go hard for mine!"......... Yea...that a nigga to.
If you feel like the world owes you something and every-time you get pulled over by the police you fell you've been racially profiled even though you were speeding, smoking, and your tail light was busted.......Ahhhhh...Yep! Your A Nigga!
That's right...
Now i hate to use that world so often and in such content. I also hate to make it seem like I'm bringing down my race. But i have to call it out for what it is.
It's embarrassing!
Too many times Ive been down at the MARTA station shaking my head in embarrassment just watching these people act the way they do.
I feel bad like I know them. Then I look and i see white people shaking their heads, I cant do nothing but shake my head along with them.
Too all my people who act like this. I just have one thing to ask............WHY?
Why embarrass yourself?
Why put that kind of attention on yourself?
Why put a shame to our race, your culture, and your family?
Just ask yourself one thing,? If my parents were here would I be acting this way?
If that's a yes, then you and your family are NIGGAS!
But hey! Maybe Its Just Me!
Mike 3G.